Apr 26 2004

DevNet Resource Kit Volume 7 (DRK 7) now available

Published by at 7:56 under Wayback Archive

I’m not sure whether I simply missed the announcement because I was at our annual company meeting, or whether it’s been released recently; Macromedia DevNet Resource Kit Volume 7 (also known as DRK 7) is available to DevNet Subscribers.

There are new components for Flash MX 2004: SQL Server Components, ActionScript data Validation libraries and a FlashHelp components.

For ColdFusion MX there are two sample applications for email marketing and ColdFusion monitoring and there are several new components.

The Dreamweaver MX 2004 extensions are Advanced Table Format and for serverside developers two new Server Behaviors / wizards: Sortable Table Headers and MX Looper Suite.

Last but not least there is a ton of new stuff related to RoboDemo and RoboHelp.

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