Apr 06 2004

Dutch presentation ‘Beginnen met CSS en Dreamweaver’ now available

Published by at 11:06 under Wayback Archive

I have made the Dutch presentation that we used for the seminer “Beginnen met CSS en Dreamweaver” available as a Macromedia Breeze presentation with a little questionnaire at the end. Just register as a new user to get access to the presentation. The english version will follow soon.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Dutch presentation ‘Beginnen met CSS en Dreamweaver’ now available”

  1. Compernolle says:

    Good speech!!!

  2. Benot de Woot says:

    Speech in Brussels was interresting too, but when can we expect the presentation to be published on this site?
    Thanks to let us know.

  3. Waldo Smeets says:

    Hi, I quickly converted the presentation into a Breezo: http://mmse.breezecentral.com/p22455509/. Sorru that it took so long.

  4. Benot de Woot says:

    Thanks for the quick reaction, … and for the presentation 😉