Feb 25 2004

More financial Rich Internet Applications: AEGON

Published by at 12:32 under Wayback Archive

Dutch financial and insurance company AEGON is hosting several small Rich Internet Applications to calculate your mortgage costs or funeral insurance costs and there is a module to get you started with a financial planning for your future. Of course they all have the same goal, which is to get you in touch with their sales persons, but still they are usefull.

It looks like this financial market is an emerging one for RIAs; FBTO and Nationale Nederlanden are several of the other financial companies hosting Flash RIAs to help visitors get insight in their financial situations. If you know of any other small or bigger RIAs in this market, please let me know.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “More financial Rich Internet Applications: AEGON”

  1. Cedric says:

    these flash RIAs are quite interesting! I love your work on RIAs … this is very valuable! I hope I can submit some one day!

    anyway, the links you provided for Aegon do not work. I think this has to do with the fact they are under https
    and your link target http://


  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    Good catch, thanks for reporting that issue Cedric! I think I have fixed it now.

  3. matt says:


    It looks like none of these links work. We’re working with a Financial Services client, and trying to convince them to go with an RIA. Do you have updated links?
