Feb 18 2004

MX Europe 2004 announced: looking for speakers

Published by at 23:37 under Wayback Archive

MXEurope is a yearly European Macromedia Developer Conference organised and run by the European Macromedia Usergroups. MXEurope 2004 will be held in London from the 6th till the 8th of September 2004. Some great speakers are already lined up; Ben Forta, Tim Buntel, Andi Hindle, Aral Balkan, Steven Webster and many more.

The full agenda is still being worked on so the organisation still accepts speaker applications. If you are interested in speaking at this great conference, head over to their site and apply! I’ll be there as well of course.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “MX Europe 2004 announced: looking for speakers”

  1. Aldo Hoeben says:

    How about some Director MX 2004 coverage at the conference (none of the current speakers sound familiar as Director users…)?

  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    Well, how about you aplying as a Director speaker? 😉