Feb 16 2004

DevNet Resource Kit 6 released

Published by at 14:07 under Wayback Archive

It’s that time of the year again, the latest DevNet Resource Kit (volume 6) has been released! As always, there is something in it for everyone. What has changed is that this DRK is not available for individual purchase (like the previous 5 were), so you need to be a Macromedia DevNet subscriber to get access to DRK 6.

For Flash there is a Slider Component, a set of three ActionScript 2.0 classes that you can use to parse numbers and dates into locale-sensitive formatted strings and there are two sample applications.

Apparently I have to update my weblog backend, because Blog Man 2.0 is available on DRK 6 as well (I have not tried it yet). Other CF utilities are ZIP components, CFIMAP and CFNETTOOLS.

Dreamweaver users will be pleased with version 3 of the Web Photo Album command. I’ve already used it to bring my ski vacation pictures online and it rocks! There’s also SQL Color Coding and Code Hinting and several licensed third party extensions.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “DevNet Resource Kit 6 released”

  1. M. Schopman says:

    None of the extensions in this release really impressed me. Like a kit had to be released, despite the contents were not directly available. I expected a lot more, for ex. more on the ColdFusion side. Where are the custom tags, or architecture platforms, etc, etc.

  2. Brook says:

    Yeah, I was completly unimpressed with the devnet 6 also…

  3. Waldo Smeets says:

    Sow what had you expected, what would you have liked to see? And for which program (CF, DW, FL, FW)?

  4. Brook says:

    I would have liked to see some more useful flash UI components or function libraries to aid RIA development. I do think t he CF Zip tag was a good one – I have been using IAZIP, which we bought, for years.

    I guess, because I am really into RIA development at the moment, I was looking for more tools in that direction. I realize thats its hard to please everybody however…

  5. Waldo Smeets says:

    Thanks for the feedback Brook!