Jan 14 2004

Rich Internet Application by FBTO (insurance costs comparison tool)

Published by at 15:23 under Wayback Archive

Dutch insurance company FBTO has a rich internet application that allows you to compare the costs of your current insurance contract with one of their contracts.

It’s good to see that this concept is finally being picked up be several bigger Dutch companies. (Developed by Martin de Ruiter from Macromedia Alliance Partner ClockWork – also known from it’s famous developers Martijn de Visser and Owen van Dijk)

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Rich Internet Application by FBTO (insurance costs comparison tool)”

  1. As a sidenote, we (Martijn and Owen) did not work on the FBTO RIA – this was done by other Clockworker’s. So the creds go to them… 🙂

  2. Martijn or Owen, please note that there are some bugs in this RIA. For example, if you select your age > 65 and make calc, you always get an error in this field, even after changing your age < 65. Perhaps, you can pass this on as we all want such striking RIA's to be perfect! With regards, Al-Noor