Jan 05 2004

FlashCoders: V2 component architecture and documentation discussion

Published by at 11:57 under Wayback Archive

A very interesting discussion on the Flash Components V2 architecture and how it is (not) documented for advanced developers that want to take the most out of this framework. There really are some good suggestions and documentation requests. Make sure to add your comments by sending them to FlashCoders; there are quite some Macromedians lurking and participating. Maybe something good comes out of it!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “FlashCoders: V2 component architecture and documentation discussion”

  1. aral says:

    Great discussion Waldo… and thanks for reminding me to re-subscribe to the lists after the winter break! 🙂

    Also: Let’s not forget about the EULA issue that’s still outstanding!

  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    Yeah, the EULA *is* important.. else people will not even consider to create components based on V2 😛