Aug 07 2002

I already mentioned that I am planning some cool

Published by at 9:07 under Wayback Archive

I already mentioned that I am planning some cool events in the Benelux for September. Well, most dates are set already. So if you want to join us, pick your date below and write it down in your agenda. I will post a link to a website with more information as soon as it becomes available.

“Go Dynamic With ColdFusion MX and Flash MX”

    September 10th, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    September 11th, Brussels, Belgium

“Go Dynamic With JRun 4 and Flash MX”

    September 16th, Brussels, Belgium

    September 17th, Utrecht, The Netherlands

“Creating PHP Applications with Dreamweaver MX”

    September 27th, Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Date for Belgium will be announced soon

At the Go Dynamic events you’ll get tons of usefull information on how to build Rich Internet Applications with the tools of that day. They promise to become very in depth and will have a ‘serverside’ path and a ‘clientside’ path which you can choose from, depending your needs. I am still working on some surprise acts and guest speakers for both the Go Dynamic events and the PHP event.

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