Oct 01 2004

Flex Tip 3: Defining cell renderers for lists, curly notation is not preferred

Published by at 22:27 under Wayback Archive

I always though that custom CellRenderers for a List had to be defined by cellRenderer=”{myCellRenderer}”, especially because this is how it’s done in the samples explorer. However, the curly notation is not necessary and the benefit is more functionality as a bonus.

So it’s better to define cell renders by cellRenderer=”myCellRenderer”. The advantage of this is that you now (and it does not work with the {} notation) you can point to cell renderers that are stored in different folders on your server. Like cellRenderer=”com.ws.myCellRenderer”. Simple, but advocates much clearer file locations!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Flex Tip 3: Defining cell renderers for lists, curly notation is not preferred”

  1. Matt says:

    Actually it will work if you use {}, it’s just not necessary. It used to be necessary to get the class linked in, but we have metadata that allows it to work. The benefit of not using binding is that it is assigned immediately and does not create the unnecessary binding overhead.

  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    Thanks Matt, makes sence. at least it explains why it did not work for me 😉