Mar 02 2007

Knowledge session: Flex 2 within a Java / Spring environment

Published by at 17:56 under Wayback Archive

Java development house Quintor is hosting a 4-hour knowledge session on Flex 2 and Java Spring integration. The workshop will be hosted in Amsterdam on 13th of March 2007 in the late faternoon. Unforutunately it looks like I won’t make it myself.

I’ve seen an increased Flex interest with the local Java development houses recently. It’s really cool to see how the community now starts to host it’s own Flex sessions independantly of Adobe (cause we are not involved in the Quintor event at all).

The obvious next step would be a Dutch Flex User Group, volunteers anyone? 😉

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Knowledge session: Flex 2 within a Java / Spring environment”

  1. The Netherlands is probably too small to have its own usergroup. Remember the MXUG one or two years ago?

  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    I do, and I know you should stay tuned for their website too 😉 (behind the scenes they are gathering again, so I expect something new soon)

  3. psu calc says:

    What happened to MXUG?

  4. Waldo Smeets says:

    They are now at, same folks though.