Aug 08 2005

File Upload with Macromedia Flex, and other Flash Player 8 features for your Flex RIA

Published by at 11:18 under Wayback Archive

Macromedia Flash Player 8 is here and packed with useful and innovative features for your Macromedia Flex Rich Internet Applications:

  • Performance and memory consumption are also significantly improved in the new player, and you will notice the improvement without changing a line of code or recompiling.
  • As a Flex developer, you will probably spot immediate opportunities to use some of the new features in Flash 8 like File Upload

Lucian Beebe and Dirk Eismann have written two good DevNet articles on this topic:

That last article includes a great Flex File Upload sample application.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “File Upload with Macromedia Flex, and other Flash Player 8 features for your Flex RIA”

  1. Richard says:

    Just wanted to give my thanks for saving me some time 🙂

  2. satish says:

    Dear sir,

    I am run the sample file given by you… but the result is that the status is telling that upload is completed message is coming and when i am see whether that pysically file is uploaded or not. there is no file is uploaded……

    please give ur comment regard on this….