Sep 28 2004

Flashtival presentation files online

Published by at 23:26 under Wayback Archive

I published the presentation files online:

  • Breeze presentation (click through yourself)
  • Source files (haven’t had time yet to write install instructions)
  • Two RoboDemos to show the steps you have to take to do the visual part. Unfortunately these are just test movies so some of them have a mistake in them which I corrected a few seconds later (so don’t be confused). Part A, Part B.

I hope it’s usefull for those who visited my session. I for myself really had a good time at Flashtival!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Flashtival presentation files online”

  1. Flashaddict says:

    Wow! That was fast! Thanks 🙂

  2. Renske says:

    Very usefull day!

  3. microchip says:

    Your presentation at Flashtival RULED man! Best presentation. Thanks for the source!