Aug 07 2004

Take 2: Ben Forta on ColdFusion ‘BlackStone’ in Amsterdam, 6 September 2004

Published by at 13:08 under Wayback Archive

I’m pleased to announce that has confirmed the new date for Ben Forta his BlackStone presentation. You can now meet Ben on September 6 at the regular MXUG meeting location (the ‘church’ from ClockWork). For more information and registration check the events page.

I am looking forward to meet many ColdFusion users from the Netherlands and Belgium at this event. Note that Ben is the only speaker for this evening, so there is plenty of time for a unique interactive discussion with this ColdFusion guru!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Take 2: Ben Forta on ColdFusion ‘BlackStone’ in Amsterdam, 6 September 2004”

  1. Koen De Paepe says:

    Iemand die vanuit Belgi vertrekt en twee coldfusion developpers kan meenemen ?

  2. Iemand die vanuit Belgi vertrekt en twee coldfusion developpers kan meenemen ?