Jul 23 2004

DevNet Resource Kit Volume 8 (DRK 8) now available

Published by at 22:45 under Wayback Archive

I forgot to blog about this earlier this week: DevNet Resource Kit Volume 8 (DRK 8) is now available for download from your DevNet account.

I did not check any of the bits but the Dreamweaver File Upload Extension really cought my attention, and so did the Galleon Forums Sample Application for ColdFusion. There are also new extensions for Flash MX 2004 and FireWorks MX 2004.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “DevNet Resource Kit Volume 8 (DRK 8) now available”

  1. David Bisset says:

    I got an announcement. Regardless I think this DRK, like the one before, is lacking.


    If you agree, check out the above link.

  2. Waldo Smeets says:

    Maybe Macromedia should upfront announce what kind of components it is going to develop and then try to get feedback on those plans. I mean.. we should know exactly who owns the subscribtion so it should be relatively easy to poll those people. Thoughts?

  3. Waldo Smeets says:

    Maybe Macromedia should upfront announce what kind of components it is going to develop and then try to get feedback on those plans. I mean.. we should know exactly who owns the subscribtion so it should be relatively easy to poll those people. Thoughts?

  4. kowen says:

    DRK: direct rip-off kit.
    Just got drk8 and i feel like i have been robbed. 30mb of useless stuff.
    I would think value for money would be 100mb or more.
    It seem that drk is like the exchange bad to worse.