Feb 16 2004

Some minor problems

Published by at 14:51 under Wayback Archive

Just a quick report that there are some minor issues with the RSS feed and comments. I’m looking into the problem now. (I most likely changed something which I should not have done)

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Some minor problems”

  1. Tester says:

    I just found what the problem is; when updating an entry the old one is deleted and a new one created. This of course is no could because that also removes all comments and old links to that specific post. I’ll have to update it to really do a database update.

  2. A fix for this will be posted shortly on my blog at http://www.cfm-applications.com/

    This is not a small fix, as soon as it is complete and tested it will be posted along with instructions on how to update your blog.