Jan 07 2003

A great new company focussed entirely on Studio MX

Published by at 11:15 under Wayback Archive

A great new company focussed entirely on Studio MX research, development and consultancy opened it’s online doors yesterday: www.DWwork.com. These guys know Studio MX inside out (especially Dreamweaver MX and FireWorks MX) and have created a whole range of products (the most advanced extensions I have ever seen) around it to make Studio MX even more powerfull.

I have always been evangelising the extensibility layer in Studio MX, but these guys really show why this underestimated part of the Studio is so powerfull. Here are some of the things that they have done with Studio MX:

  • Distributed MX: Simplifying Team Workflow, Centralized Management, Collaboration.
    For example, it allows teams to distribute Studio MX configurations so that everyone in a team is always working with the latest extensions or that developers can run different predefined configurations. But it also allows for instant messaging between project members or MX Studio users and notifying team members of configuration updates, including but not limited to site definitions, extensions or project files.
  • Power Toys like Color Master, DMX Explorer, Extension Manager Pro, Menu Manager, Script Inspector, Style Inspector and Toolbar Manager.
  • A very cool range of products to be used by other extension developers

DWwork.com has taken extension development not one, but three steps further and I am sure that these products will be an eye opener for lots of development teams looking at or already working with Studio MX… it will allow them to be even more productive than they already were.

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