Sep 03 2002 have implemented a Rich Client

Published by at 12:38 under Wayback Archive have implemented a Rich Client interface talking to ColdFusion MX for their very popular website. I really like the interface and it’s very fast on my machine, even though some people still reported issues with it. It’s good to see how these guys are trying to use all the capabilities of both Flash MX and ColdFusion MX, especially because we know that it’s not easy to come up with something decent.

I think they did a good job: it’s fast, usefull and it’s not abusing the animation features of Flash (thank god!). What I’d like to see improved is that the interface will be scalable and not ‘frozen’ like it is now; why use a small popup if I have a big screen? For the rest, good job!

Don’t forget to tell the developers at what you think about the new interface.

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